Always healthy and lively. He likes to test how serious his rider really is about turning away or whether he is allowed to go straight ahead. Otherwise a real treasure in every respect. Django takes lungeing, individual and group lessons and also takes part in rides.
Django, Norwegian gelding
Adriana, Haflinger mare
Adriana is getting on in years and is now spending her retirement with us. As pensioners also need to be exercised, she occasionally takes part in riding lessons, but only in moderation.
Lea, Haflinger mare (private)
New arrival Lea is something for the advanced rider girls. She is fearless and goes at a fast pace - whether in the field or in the arena. She has enough go to take part in jumping lessons and wants to be challenged at all times. Currently travelling with advanced riders in individual and group lessons and only with adults in cross-country.
Mina, Shetland pony mare
Our good old Mina carries every child safely through the grounds of our pony round. She is also present at children's birthday parties in the hall and is always good-natured and patient with the little ones.
Eva, Shetland pony mare
Eva is our little speedster. Despite her short legs, she likes to lead the troop on our pony rides and is always highly motivated and very enthusiastic.
Toni, pony-mix gelding (private)
Toni is every child's favourite. They learn to ride on him in lungeing lessons and in their first private lessons. He carries them all round the arena or the pony round. As a typical pony, Toni also has individual days when he is full of go and temperament. As a rule, however, he is always good-natured with our youngest riders.
Peccara, pony-mix mare
Our little witch is a typical chestnut mare. Sometimes bitchy, sometimes lively - depending on the mood of the day. Due to her size, she tends to be on the trail with our younger children, but also likes to take part in a jumping lesson where she can let off steam. She also always goes along with pony rides.
Skratti, Icelandic gelding
Skratti is probably the favourite horse among our schoolies. He's never a bit of a mischief-maker and even the youngest riders can ride him well in a group. Unfortunately, due to a gradual eye disease and the associated loss of eyesight, he can no longer be ridden off-road and can also shy around the yard. However, in his familiar surroundings, such as the indoor arena, he is an absolute reliable horse.
Joey, Welshpony gelding
He's got it thick as a fist behind his ears! One day he's carrying our beginners through group lessons, the next day he's probably going full throttle in jumping lessons and putting all the other ponies at the yard in his pocket. A true all-rounder, we wouldn't want to be without him!
Karat, Konik gelding
Often mistaken for a large Icelandic horse, our Karat is a magnificent Konik with a beautiful coat colour. Our clumsy and stubborn horse likes to test who decides which way to go - the rider or him. Therefore only to be ridden by advanced riders, unless he is lunged by us - then he makes even beginners happy with his soft gaits.
Vanda, Welsh-mix mare
A typical mare. Beginner lunging and group lessons are no problem for her, and she also enjoys cross-country and jumping with advanced riders. A typical mare, sometimes a little bitchy - but you can't have everything.
Pjakki, Icelandic gelding (private)
Always hard-working and motivated on the road. As a three-gaited horse, he is an ideal partner for our advanced riders in the riding arena. Rides are reserved for his mistress, as he can sometimes be over-motivated.
Tessa, Arabian-Appaloosa mare (private)
You can guess it from the breed: Tessa has go. Although she is already of an advanced age and not the tallest in the herd, she still leads the pack - both in the stable and in the indoor arena. Therefore only to be ridden by advanced riders.